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Designer Replica Bags PA WireGet daily updates directly to your inboxSubscribeSee our replica bags china privacy noticeThank you for replica designer bags subscribingSee our privacy noticeCould not subscribe, try again laterInvalid EmailBritish passports are getting a post Brexit makeover the first in 30 years.The burgundy passports most people have grown up with are being scrapped in favour of a glossy blue and gold cover in October 2019.The new design will also ditch the European Union logo and replace it with the British coat of arms.As well as cosmetic changes, the Home Office has promised enhanced security features and the most high tech passport to date.The overhaul is out to contractors now and will cost Immigration Minister Brandon Lewis said: “Leaving the EU gives us a unique opportunity to restore our national identity and forge a new path for ourselves in the world.”That is why aaa replica bags I am delighted to announce that the British passport will be returning to the iconic blue and gold design after we have left the European Union in 2019.”It luxury replica bags will also be one of the most secure travel documents in the world, with a designer replica luggage raft of new security measures to protect against fraud and forgery.”When are the passports changing? The date for your diary is October 2019. Despite Brexit happening on March 29, 2019 the current contract for passports doesn’t run out until october.Burgundy passports will continue to be issued between March and October but without the EU markings.The new blue and gold design will then be issued to people renewing or applying for a new passport.Undated handout photo issued by the Home Office of how a British passport will look after Brexit. Home Office/PA WireWhat will be different in the new passport and how much will it cost? Passports have been burgundy since the 1980s so it’s a big change.Inside the passport will be a new picture page made of “super strength plastic polycarbonate material that will be more difficult to alter”, the Home Office said.Pages inside the new passports will include images from across the UK after Britain leaves the EU in 2019.The cost of a standard first adult passport or renewal is currently while passports for those under the age of 16 are Will I need a new passport after Brexit? You won’t need a new passport until you are renewing it.If you are renewing between March and October 2019 then you’ll still get a burgundy passport but from October 2019 new passports will be phased in best replica bags when people are due renewals or ordering entirely new passports.Blue was first used for the cover of the British passport in 1921, but the design changed in 1988 after the UK joined the European Economic Community and burgundy was chosen as the common colour.Former Ukip leader Nigel Farage tweeted after the announcement: “Happy Brexmas!”He added: “In the 2016 referendum, we wanted our passports back Designer Replica Bags.
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